Hi there. My name is Fábio P. Fortkamp, and I am obsessed with programming.
I’m a Mechanical Engineer by training and trade, and I’m currently employed as a Research Engineer – which means I spend half my time doing research on the thermal sciences, and the other half developing code that uses this research. The software that I and my colleagues develop is used by major companies in Brazil (by the way, this is where I’m from). I am most proeficient in writing Python, but I also love prototyping in Julia and have been experimenting with Go. In the past, I’ve used C, VBA and Matlab in various important projects. See my portfolio page.
Since tooking Computing Engineering classes (in the middle of my Mechanical Engineering course) almost 15 years ago, I’ve become obsessed in finding out how to combine the programming literature and resources, which focus almost always in commercial applications (payments, websites, task managers), to the field of scientific software: simulating mathematical models and processing text files resultant from those simulations. For someone who technically is not a “developer”, at least in the job title, I realized I care way too much about cool techniques, the lastest programming languages, and modern coding tools. Instead of worrying too much, I created this blog to document my learning and experience.
When I’m not obsessing of learning yet another programming language, I spend time with the most beautiful, patient and amazing woman in the world (a.k.a my wife) and our two wonderful sons.